What animal would you be?
“What animal would you be and why?” explores the underlying identity of each of my models. Instead of asking “How would you best describe yourself?” Or “Describe yourself in a few words?” The pressure takes over. The animal chosen is a representation of the person in the piece. The authorship has been shared between me and each of the models, this means they chose the reference photo, the animal and the colour too. The opportunity to draw my favourite people added to the value of the work. My identity and character has been impacted by the people in this work.
Type of employment sought
I have always liked illustration. I ultimately am looking to put my drawing skills to use in the creative industry. I am a printmaker, specifically cyanotype. So if that fits anywhere I am happy to discuss any opportunities that fit my drawing or printmaking style.
Areas available to work
I have a full driving licence. So commuting isn’t a problem for me. I would like the flexibility of working from home and in a working environment with other creatives.
Contact Simone