Annihilation: A Metahuman Cinematic

I’m a movie and games enthusiast. I’m a passionate animator and I love storytelling, which made me develop personal interest in Cinematic Animation. I love playing single player story mode games because I can immerse myself in them.

‘Annihilation’ is inspired from the game Detroit: Become Human. The goal of this project was to convey a short story with a dramatic twist. I wrote the script myself and I acted it as well.

This project is made in Unreal using Metahuman, Shogun Vicon Studio and iPhone Livelink.

Type of employment sought
I'm seeking for an Animator role. I specialize in Keyframed, Motion Capture, Gameplay and Cinematic Animation. I'll be able to do any animator role on the aspects mentioned above.

Areas available to work
Anywhere in the UK. Will be available to move to the location.

Contact Vamsi Krishna